February 15, 2025 | Dr. Dingding Han joins the lab as a postdoctoral scholar. Welcome Dingding! |
January 1, 2025 | Sakthi Ramamoorthy joins the lab as a Petit Undergraduate Scholar. Welcome Sakthi! |
November 11, 2024 | Dr. Thomas is an invited speaker at the Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University's Annual Scientific Symposium. |
October 8, 2024 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar at the the University of Pittsburg's Hillman Cancer Center in Pittsburgh, PA. |
September 30, 2024 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar at the Dartmouth College Cancer Center in Hanover, NH. |
September 18, 2024 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited keynote presentation at The Ohio State University's Center for Cancer Engineering – Curing Cancer through Research in Engineering and Science Annual Symposium as part of the James Cancer Center in Columbus, OH. |
September 4, 2024 | Raey Hunde, a PhD student in Biomedical Engineering, joins the lab. Welcome Raey! |
September 1, 2024 | Ann He, a Bioengineering PhD student in Biomedical Engineering, joins the lab. Welcome Ann! |
August 6, 2024 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited talk at the Drug Carriers in Medicine and Biology Gordon Research Conference in Portland, Maine. |
June 3, 2024 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar at the University of Bern Theodor Kocher Institute in Bern, Switzerland. |
May 27, 2024 | Dr. Thomas gives a keynote talk at the World Biomaterials Congress in Daegu, Korea. |
May 24, 2024 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar at Chung-Ang University in Seoul, Korea. |
May 23, 2024 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar at Inha University in Incheon, Korea. |
May 7, 2024 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar at Trinity College Dublin in Dublin, Ireland. |
May 2, 2024 | Dr. Thomas gives a talk at BioE Day for her Outstanding Advisor Award. Thanks again to the group and BioE for your kindness! |
April 1, 2024 | Our NHLBI-funded R01 starts! |
March 1, 2024 | Dr. Thomas wins the 2023 Outstanding Advisor Award from the Bioengineering Graduate Program! Thank you lab and thank you BioE! |
February 11-16, 2024 | Sam, Abir, and Alisyn present at and Dr. Thomas co-chairs the Immunoengineering Gordon Research Conference in Lucca, Italy. |
February 5, 2024 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar at the University of Zurich Department of Chemistry in Zurich, Switzerland. |
February 1, 2024 | Dr. Kiyoon Min joins the lab as a postdoctoral scholar. Welcome Kiyoon! |
January 30, 2024 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar at the AGORA building in Lausanne, Switzerland that hosts faculty and trainees of ISREC, EPFL, UNIL, and the Ludwig Cancer Institute. |
January 26, 2024 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited talk at the LE&RN Symposium at Stanford University. |
January 2, 2024 | Dr. Jaehoon Kim joins the lab as a research engineer. Welcome Jaehoon! |
September 28, 2023 | Alisyn is selected as a NIH ImmunoEngineering trainee. Congrats! |
September 12, 2023 | Maya Levitan, a Ph.D. student in Biomedical Engineering, joins the lab. Welcome Maya! |
September 11, 2023 | Tae Hee Yoon, a Bioengineering Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering, joins the lab. Welcome Tae Hee! |
September 1, 2023 | The lab is awarded a NSF-NCI SPARK award! |
August 6, 2023 | Kyoko Sawada, a Nakatani Fellow, joins the lab. Welcome Kyoko! |
June 13, 2023 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited talk at the Cancer Nanotechnology Gordon Research Conference in Waterville Valley, NH. |
May 22, 2023 | Jonathan Royal, an undergraduate student in Physics, joins the lab as an NSF REU SURE student. Welcome Jonathan! |
May 14, 2023 | Dr. Thomas co-chairs and presents at the Immunoengineering Immunity and Immunotherapy Major Symposium at IMMUNOLOGY2023 organized by the American Association of Immunologists. |
May 11, 2023 | The lab goes bowling! |
April 25, 2023 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar at The Johns Hopkins University Immunology Forum in Baltimore, MD. |
April 24, 2023 | The lab is awarded support from Georgia CORE! |
April 14, 2023 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar at AACR 2023 in Orlando, FL. |
March 29, 2023 | Abir is awarded a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship! |
March 28, 2023 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar at the NIH's BME SIG. |
March 27, 2023 | Dr. Thomas is inducted as a Fellow into the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering in Arlington, VA. |
March 8, 2023 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar at the University of Michigan's College of Pharmacy in Ann Arbor, MI. |
March 6, 2023 | The lab is awarded support from the Donaldson Charitable Trust Research Synergy Fund! |
March 2, 2023 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited Featured talk at the Southeastern Regional Clinical & Translational Science Conference in Pine Mountain, GA. |
February 1, 2023 | Pranshu Rajurkar, a M.S. student in Biomedical Engineering, joins the lab. Welcome Pranshu! |
December 2, 2022 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited keynote talk at EPFL's Institute of Bioengineering Bioengineering Day in Epilanges, Swizerland. |
November 15, 2022 | Levi is granted a President's Undergraduate Research Award! |
November 11, 2022 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar at the University of Oklahoma's School of Biomedical Engineering. |
November 11, 2022 | Alisyn Bourque, a Bioengineering Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering, joins the lab. Welcome Alisyn! |
September 21, 2022 | Dr. Thomas gives a research talk in the Glenn Breast Team Translational Science Meeting at Emory University. |
September 21, 2022 | Reiko presents her work at the Nakatani Research and International Experience for Students Fellowship Program Symposium at Georgia Tech. |
September 16, 2022 | Belinda, Sam and Alex present their work at the Society for Biomaterials Southeastern Biomaterials Day at Georgia Tech. |
September 5, 2022 | Dr. Thomas gives the keynote talk for her Award for Young Investigator from Elsevier's Biomaterials at the European Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting in Bordeaux, France. |
September 2, 2022 | Tanmay Khare, a Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering, joins the lab. Welcome Tanmay! |
August 22, 2022 | Levi Bloch, an undergraduate student in Mechanical Engineering, and Maleena Shah and Aanya Sawhney, undergraduate students in Biomedical Engineering, join the lab. Welcome Alex, Maleena and Aanya! |
August 10, 2022 | Reiko Sakurai, a Nakatani Fellow, joins the lab. Welcome Reiko! |
August 6, 2022 | Dr. Thomas receives the Elsevier Biomaterials Award for Young Investigator! |
July 28, 2022 | Chika wins a 2nd place for best presentation at the NSF SURE Symposium. Congrats! |
July 11, 2022 | Camila presents her work at the ImmunoEngineering GRC in Ventura, CA. |
July 10, 2022 | The inaugural ImmunoEngineering Gordon Research Conference in Ventura, CA starts! |
July 1, 2022 | The lab is awarded support from Biolocity! |
June 15, 2022 | Paul successfully defends his Ph.D. thesis. Congrats Dr. Archer! |
June 13, 2022 | Camila successfully defends her Ph.D. thesis. Congrats Dr. Camargo! |
June 8, 2022 | Dr. Thomas's team is selected to participate in the Biolocity program! |
May 25, 2022 | Chikamnele Nkwocha, an undergraduate student in Biomedical Engineering, joins the lab as an NSF REU SURE student. Welcome Chika! |
May 23, 2022 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited talk at the 13th International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics in Valencia, Spain. |
May 22, 2022 | Alexander Shih, an undergraduate student in Mechanical Engineering, joins the lab. Welcome Alex! |
May 19, 2022 | Maggie successfully defends her Ph.D. thesis. Congrats Dr. Manspeaker! |
April 27, 2022 | Jihoon and Maggie present their work at the Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting in Baltimore, MD. |
April 7, 2022 | Alex is awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Congrats! |
March 2, 2022 | Meghan's recent paper in Advanced Materials is featured on the Georgia Tech landing page, gatech.edu, and the story is picked up by Technology.org, ScienceMagazine, Bioengineer.org, AAAS's EurekAlert!, Newswise, and The Medical News! |
January 23, 2022 | Alex is selected as a NIH ImmunoEngineering trainee. Congrats! |
January 4, 2022 | Dr. Yunus Alapan joins the lab as a research engineer. Welcome Yunus! |
December 14, 2021 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited talk at the Antibody Engineering and Therapeutics Conference in San Diego, CA. |
December 8, 2021 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited talk at the Jubilee 10th Annual Symposium of the PENN Center for Targeted Therapeutics and Translational Nanomedicine on "Nanomedicine and the immune system: conflict avoidance and synergy by design" hosted by the University of Pennsylvania. |
November 30, 2021 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar "at" the University of Pittsburg School of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
November 17, 2021 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited talk at the Nature Conference on "Bio-inspired Nanomaterials" at Seoul National University in Seoul, Korea. |
November 12, 2021 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited talk at the "Centers of Excellence Lymphatic Summit 2021: The Continuum from Evolving Research to State-of-the-Art Lymphatic Management" Symposium hosted by Stanford University and the Lymphatic Education and Research Network. |
November 8, 2021 | Dr. Thomas gives a plenary talk in the "Leaders in Biomaterials" Session part of the Materials Engineering & Science Division at the American Institute of Chemical Engineering Annual Meeting in Boston, MA. |
October 8, 2021 | Paul's paper is selected for the Best Paper Award for the Drug Delivery and Translational Research Special Issue on "Transport Barriers to Immunotherapy"! Congrats! |
September 23, 2021 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar "at" the University of Pennsylvania's Bioengineering Department. |
September 13, 2021 | Belinda Joseph, a Biomedical Engineering PhD student, joins the lab! Welcome Belinda! |
September 8, 2021 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar "at" The Johns Hopkins University's Materials Science and Engineering Department. |
August 15, 2021 | Abir Muhuri, a Bioengineering PhD student in Mechanical Engineering, joins the lab! Welcome Abir! |
August 12, 2021 | Dr. Thomas wins the Faculty Research Award from the Woodruff School. |
July 15, 2021 | Sam is selected as a NIH Biotechnology Cell and Tissue Engineering trainee. Congrats! |
June 24, 2021 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited talk at the University of Chicago's 2021 ImmunoEngineering Innovation Center Symposium. |
June 4, 2021 | Lauren presents her work at the virtual Lymphatic Forum. |
May 17, 2021 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar at the Harvard i3 Center Symposium on Engineering Cancer Immunotherapy. |
April 21, 2021 | Meghan presents her work at the Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting. |
April 16, 2021 | Lauren successfully defends her Ph.D. thesis. Congrats Dr. Sestito! |
April 8, 2021 | Meghan wins a STAR award from the Society for Biomaterials! Congrats! |
April 1, 2021 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar "at" University of Texas at Austin's Biomedical Engineering Department. |
March 31, 2021 | Asheley successfully defends her Ph.D. thesis. Congrats Dr. Chapman! |
March 30, 2021 | Meghan successfully defends her Ph.D. thesis. Congrats Dr. O'Melia! |
February 1, 2021 | Claire McClain, a PhD student in Biomedical Engineering, joins the lab! Welcome Claire! |
January 27, 2021 | Dr. Thomas gives a research talk in the Melanoma Research Meeting at Emory University. |
December 1, 2020 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited talk and is a panelist in the "Immunoengineering for Improving Vaccines and Cancer Immunotherapies" discussion as part of the Biomaterials for Studying and Controlling the Immune System Symposium at the virtual fall meeting of the Materials Research Society. |
November 17, 2020 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar "at" Rice University's Bioengineering Department. |
November 12, 2020 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar "at" Purdue University's Cancer Center. |
November 10, 2020 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited talk for the Controlled Release Society's Immunoengineering Focus group. |
September 17, 2020 | Alex Heiler, a Bioengineering PhD student in Chemical Engineering, joins the lab! Welcome Alex! |
September 11, 2020 | Sam Lucas, a PhD student in Biomedical Engineering, joins the lab! Welcome Sam! |
June 10, 2020 | Nature Nanotechnology publishes a News & Views article entitled "Targeting immune cells within lymph nodes" featuring our recent publication in Nature Nanotechnology! |
June 5, 2020 | David successfully defends his Ph.D. thesis. Congrats Dr. Francis! |
April 29, 2020 | Camila wins Best Abstract Award for the Annual BioE Day! |
April 14, 2020 | Katie successfully defends her Ph.D. thesis. Congrats Dr. Birmingham! |
April 1, 2020 | Our second NCI-funded R01 starts! |
March 31, 2020 | Isaac and Alexa are awarded National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Honorable Mentions. Congrats! |
March 1-6, 2020 | Meghan presents her work at the Lymphatic Gordon Conference in Ventura, CA. |
January 8, 2020 | Lauren H. is named a Regeneron STS Top 300 Scholar! |
January 7, 2020 | Ricky Patel, an undergraduate student in Mechanical Engineering, joins the lab. Welcome Ricky! |
December 13, 2019 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited talk at the Antibody Engineering and Therapeutics Conference in San Diego, CA. |
October 29, 2019 | Sam is granted a President's Undergraduate Research Award! |
October 16, 2019 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited keynote talk at the Drexel University Immune Modulation and Engineering Symposium in Philadelphia, PA. |
October 2, 2019 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar at the Kansas State University Department of Chemical Engineering in Manhattan, KS. |
August 19, 2019 | Luke Kolodzey and Lynelle Oygenblik, undergraduate students in Biomedical Engineering, joins the lab. Welcome Luka and Lynelle! |
July 31, 2019 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited talk at the 2019 Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering GRC in Castelldefels, Spain. |
July 10, 2019 | Hajime Minoguchi, an undergraduate student in Biomedical Engineering, joins the lab. Welcome Hajime! |
July 1, 2019 | Dr. Margaret Fettis joins the lab as a postdoctoral scholar. Welcome Maggie! |
July 1, 2019 | Dr. Thomas is named a Woodruff Professor. |
January 10, 2019 | Megha Khosal, an undergraduate student in Chemical Engineering, joins the lab. Welcome Megha! |
June 5, 2019 | The lab goes bowling! |
June 1, 2019 | Lauren presents a NanoTalk at the 2019 NAVBO Lymphatic Forum in Austin, TX. |
June 1, 2019 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited talk at the 2019 NAVBO Lymphatic Forum in Austin, TX. |
May 29, 2019 | Isaac is selected as a NIH Biotechnology Cell and Tissue Engineering trainee. Congrats! |
May 9, 2019 | Dr. Thomas gives a talk at BioE Day for her Outstanding Advisor Award. Thanks again to the group and BioE for your kindness! |
May 6, 2019 | Dr. Thomas gives a talk at the 2019 Synthims Conference she co-organized in Ascona, Ticino in Switzerland. |
May 3, 2019 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar at the Ludwig Cancer Institute in Lausanne, VD in Switzerland. |
May 2, 2019 | Lauren is awarded a travel award from the Lymphatic Education & Research Network (LE&RN) to attend the 2019 NAVBO Lymphatic Forum in Austin, TX! |
April 26, 2019 | Dr. Thomas presents at the Winship Cancer Biology Retreat. |
April 9, 2019 | Maggie is awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Congrats! |
April 6, 2019 | David presents at the Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA. |
April 1, 2019 | Lauren H. won Best in Biomedical Engineering, One of the Top In Vitro Biology Projects, First Honors, Best Usage of Microscopy, AND a cash prize this weekend at GSEF - the Science/Engineering Fair for all of Georgia! HUGE congrats Lauren H.!!!! |
March 30, 2019 | Dr. Thomas presents an invited talk at the American Association Cancer Research Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA. |
March 20-23, 2019 | Dr. Thomas co-chairs the Regenerative Medicine Workshop in Charleston, SC. |
March 8, 2019 | Dr. Thomas wins the 2018 Outstanding Advisor Award from the Bioengineering Graduate Program! Thank you lab and thank you BioE! |
March 8, 2019 | Alex wins the 2018 Outstanding Thesis Award for the Bioengineering Graduate Program! Congrats Alex! |
February 11, 2019 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited talk at the Physical Science in Oncology Gordon Research Conference in Galveston, TX. |
January 10, 2019 | Sam Bordy, an undergraduate student in Mechanical Engineering, joins the lab. Welcome Sam! |
December 13, 2018 | Meghan is recognized with the Petit Institute Trainee Award for Service! |
November 28, 2018 | Dr. Thomas gives a presentation and poster at the NCI IMAT Annual Investigators Meeting in Rockville, MD. |
November 9, 2018 | Lauren is awarded an American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship! |
November 9, 2018 | Dr. Thomas is an invited speaker at the 8th Bi-annual University of Virginia Biotechnology Training Program Symposium, “Herding cats: Convincing your Immune system to work for you,” at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA. |
November 8, 2018 | Dr. Thomas is an invited panelist at the Meet-the-Expert Lunch at the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. |
October 25, 2018 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar at Duke University in Durham, NC. |
October 18, 2018 | Lauren H. wins Best High School Poster Award at the BMES Annual Meeting! |
October 18-20, 2018 | Meghan, Camila, and Lauren give talks at the Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA. |
October 18, 2018 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited talk at the Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA. |
September 27, 2018 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited talk at the Society for Biological Engineering's 3rd Annual Translational Medicine and Bioengineering Meeting in Boston, MA. |
September 25, 2018 | Dr. Thomas participates and presents at the Physical Science in Oncology Annual Investigators Meeting in Bethesda, MD. |
September 14, 2018 | Alexa Avecilla, a PhD candidate in Biomedical Engineering, joins the lab! Welcome Alexa! |
September 14, 2018 | Isaac Robinson, a Bioengineering PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering, joins the lab! Welcome Isaac! |
September 4-7, 2018 | Dr. Thomas is an invited participant for the 2018 Frontiers in Engineering National Academy of Engineering Symposium at MIT Lincoln Labs in Lexington, MA. |
August 12, 2018 | David presents at the Drug Carriers in Medicine and Biology GRS and GRC in Stowe, VT. |
July 26, 2018 | David R.A. wins 1st place for his REU SURE research presentation! |
July 24, 2018 | Dr. Thomas gives a talk at the Duke Training in Progress course. |
May 30, 2018 | Lauren Hester, a Project ENGAGES trainee, joins the lab! Welcome Lauren! |
May 22, 2018 | David Reyes Aguilar, an undergraduate student in Mechanical Engineering from UMBC, joins the lab as a NSF REU SURE student! Welcome David! |
May 7, 2018 | Alex successfully defends his Ph.D. thesis. Congrats Dr. Schudel! |
April 19, 2018 | Dr. Thomas gives Grand Rounds at Emory University Dermatology. |
April 17, 2018 | Joselyne presents her research project at the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium. |
April 17, 2018 | Veena is awarded Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher in the School of Biomedical Engineering. Congrats! |
April 16, 2018 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar at the University of Minnesota. |
April 13, 2018 | Dr. Thomas gives the Young Investigator Award Plenary talk at the 2018 Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting in Atlanta! |
April 12, 2018 | Alex is awarded best session talk from the Drug Delivery SIG at the 2018 Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting in Atlanta! |
April 12, 2018 | Alex and David present three talks at the 2018 Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting in Atlanta. |
April 11, 2018 | Dr. Thomas receives the Young Investigator Award from the 2018 Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting in Atlanta! Alex also receives a STAR award from the Drug Delivery and ImmuneEngineering SIGS! Congrats and go Thomas lab!!! |
April 5-6, 2018 | Dr. Thomas chairs and presents at the Immune Modulatory Materials: From Design to Translational Applications Symposium at the 2018 MRS Spring Meeting in Phoenix that she co-organized. |
April 3, 2018 | Camila is awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship and Lauren is awarded an Honorable Mention. Congrats! |
February 17, 2018 | Dr. Thomas is honored as a Professor of Excellence at the Yellow Jackets game against Virginia Tech! Thanks to Georgia Power for sponsoring the award! |
February 9, 2018 | Alex is awarded a STAR award from the Society for Biomaterials! |
December 13, 2017 | Erin successfully defends her Ph.D. thesis. Congrats Dr. Edwards! |
December 1, 2017 | Dr. Jihoon Kim joins the lab as a postdoctoral scholar. Welcome Jihoon! |
November 14, 2017 | Dr. Thomas is awarded the Young Investigator Award from the Society for Biomaterials!
November 1, 2017 | Alex and David present at the 2017 AIChE Annual Meeting in Minneapolis. |
October 28, 2017 | Katie attends the Society for Women Engineering meeting in Austin with GT's Women in Engineering. |
October 28, 2017 | Lauren leads lab tours for Buzz on Biotech. |
October 16, 2017 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited talk at the MIT/Koch Immune Engineering Symposium. |
October 14, 2017 | Erin presents at the 2017 BMES Annual Meeting in Phoenix. |
October 12, 2017 | The lab is awarded a Phase 1b grant from the Georgia Research Alliance to develop a nitric oxide delivery technology! |
October 9, 2017 | The lab is awarded a grant from Georgia CORE and It's the Journey! |
September 26, 2017 | David is selected to be part of the inaugural class of NIH ImmunoEngineering trainees. Congrats! |
September 23, 2017 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited talk at the University of Michigan's NanoDDS Symposium. |
September 13, 2017 | Paul Archer, a Bioengineering Ph.D. student in Chemical Engineering, joins the lab. Welcome Paul! |
September 13, 2017 | Maggie Manspeaker, a Bioengineering Ph.D. student in Chemical Engineering, joins the lab. Welcome Maggie! |
July 25, 2017 | Komen publishes a "Behind the Science" feature on Dr. Thomas and her group's Komen-funded project entitled Engineering a Cure. |
June 9, 2017 | Dr. Thomas presents at the North American Vascular Biology Organization Lymphatic Forum in Chicago, IL. |
June 9, 2017 | Joselyne is granted a President's Undergraduate Research Award! |
May 19, 2017 | Dr. Thomas presents at the Regenerative Engineering and Medicine Center Retreat at UGA in Athens, GA. |
May 5, 2017 | Nate successfully defends his Ph.D. thesis. Congrats Dr. Rohner! |
May 5, 2017 | The Thomas lab is awarded a pilot award through the Winship Cancer Institute at Emory! |
May 2, 2017 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar at Cornell University. |
May 1, 2017 | Sudeshna Goswami, Ph.D. joins the lab. Welcome Sudeshna! |
April 27, 2017 | Meghan is selected as a NIH Biotechnology Cell and Tissue Engineering trainee. Congrats! |
April 20, 2017 | Dr. Thomas give an invited presentation as part of the Symposium on Materials In Immunology—From Fundamental Material Design To Translational Applications at the 2017 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting in Phoenix. |
April 6, 2017 | David presents at the 2017 Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting in Minneapolis. |
April 1, 2017 | Our NCI-funded Physical Science in Oncology U01 starts! |
March 27, 2017 | Jared Beyersdorf, a M.D./Ph.D. student, joins the lab. Welcome Jared! |
March 9, 2017 | Dr. Thomas is honored with the CTL/BP Junior Faculty Teaching Excellence Award! |
March 2, 2017 | Dr. Thomas and David present at the 2017 Regenerative Medicine Conference at Hilton Head. |
November 12, 2016 | Dr. Thomas gives a talk at AIChE's Society for Bioengineering Symposium on Bioengineering and Translational Medicine in San Francisco. |
October 17, 2016 | Pumpkin carving! |
October 6, 2016 | Dr. Thomas gives two invited talks at the Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting in Minneapolis. |
September 30, 2016 | Dr. Thomas talks about breast cancer research and awareness to the students at Holy Innocents Episcopal High School. |
September 17, 2016 | Camila Carmargo, a Bioengineering Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering, joins the lab. Welcome Camila! |
September 14, 2016 | Meghan O'Melia, a Ph.D. student in Biomedical Engineering, joins the lab. Welcome Meghan! |
September 13, 2016 | Katherine Birmingham, a Bioengineering Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering, joins the lab. Welcome Katie! |
September 6, 2016 | Lauren Sestito, a Ph.D. student in Biomedical Engineering supported by the NIH Biomaterials training grant, joins the lab. Welcome Lauren! |
July 28, 2016 | The lab is awarded a Phase 1a grant from the Georgia Research Alliance to develop a nitric oxide delivery technology! |
July 1, 2016 | Our NCI-funded R01 starts! |
June 10, 2016 | Dr. Thomas gives a talk at the Glenn Family Breast Center Retreat at Emory University. |
May 20, 2016 | Alex presents at the World Biomaterials Congress in Montreal. |
May 6, 2016 | Alex presents at the ImmunoEngineering Seminar Series. |
April 25, 2016 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar as part of the Emory University Cardiovascular Biology Seminar Series. |
April 22, 2016 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar at University of Maryland Department of Bioengineering. |
April 1, 2016 | Erin presents at the ImmunoEngineering Seminar Series. |
March 29, 2016 | The Thomas lab is awarded a collaborative IMAT R21 with the Garcia lab by the National Cancer Institute! |
March 16, 2016 | Dr. Thomas is awarded a Department of Defense Career Development Award from the Peer Reviewed Medical Cancer Research Program! |
March 2, 2016 | Dr. Thomas is named an Associate Scientific Advisor for Science Translational Medicine! |
February 1, 2016 | Nate's Journal of Controlled Release manuscript is featured in the issue's Cover Story! |
November 1, 2015 | The Thomas lab's Komen research grant is featured in Atlanta Intown Paper’s Health and Wellness Briefs. |
October 19, 2015 | WSB-TV Atlanta spotlights the Thomas Lab! |
October 7-10, 2015 | Erin, Nate, Alex, and Veena present at the Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting in Tampa, FL. |
September 28, 2015 | The Atlanta Journal Constitution spotlights the Thomas Lab award from the Komen Foundation! |
September 15, 2015 | David Francis, a Bioengineering Ph.D. candidate in Chemical Engineering, joins the lab. Welcome David! |
July 28, 2015 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited talk at the American Association for Clinical Chemistry. |
June 3, 2015 | The Thomas lab is awarded a 2015 Pediatric Research Center Seed Grant through the Center for Pediatric Nanomedicine and the Cystic Fibrosis and Airway Diseases Pediatric Center with Drs. Lam and Giddens! Congrats! |
June 3, 2015 | The Thomas lab is awarded a 2015 Pediatric Research Center Seed Grant through the Center for Pediatric Nanomedicine in collaboration with Dr. Tao and the Schinazi group at Emory! Congrats! |
May 19, 2015 | Erin is selected as a NIH Biotechnology Cell and Tissue Engineering trainee. Congrats! |
May 14, 2015 | Dr. Thomas presents at the 2015 Regenerative Medicine Conference at Hilton Head. |
April 30, 2015 | Erin wins the Best Poster Award at the 2nd Annual BioE Day! |
April 15-18, 2015 | Nate, Alex, and Mike present at the Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting in Charlotte, NC. |
April 8, 2015 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar at Duke University. |
March 31, 2015 | Dr. Thomas is awarded a three year Career Catalyst Research Grant from the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Research Foundation! |
March 31, 2015 | Mike is awarded Honorable Mention for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. |
March 24, 2015 | The laboratory is awarded funding from the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program for undergraduate research over the summer term. Congrats! |
March 17, 2015 | Nate is awarded Honorable Mention for the Society for Biomaterials STAR Award. |
December 16, 2014 | Alex is awarded an American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship! |
December 11, 2014 | Dr. Thomas is awarded the Institute of Bioengineering and Bioscience 2014 Pre-Tenure Faculty "Above and Beyond" Award! |
October 31, 2014 | Veena is accepted into the 2015 Class of Petit Undergraduate Research Scholars! |
October 31, 2014 | Erin Hannen, a Bioengineering Ph.D. candidate in Biomedical Engineering, joins the lab. Welcome Erin! |
October 24, 2014 | Pumpkin carving! |
October 10, 2014 | Nate and Alex present at the Georgia Tech Biomaterials Day. |
October 6, 2014 | The Thomas lab is awarded a 2014 Georgia Partners in Regenerative Engineering and Medicine Seed Grant in collaboration with Dr. Copland, Laboratory Director of the Emory Personalized Immunotherapy Center (EPIC)! |
September 9, 2014 | Dr. Thomas wins Best Poster Award at the 2014 Frontiers in Bioengineering Symposium at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign! |
September 2, 2014 | Monica McNerney, a Bioengineering Ph.D. candidate in Chemical Engineering supported by the NIH Biomaterials training grant, joins the lab. Welcome Monica! |
August 18, 2014 | Raquel, a visiting Ph.D. student from the Biomaterials Group at the Institute of Polymer Science and Technology in Madrid, and Patrick, a B.S.M.S. student in Mechanical Engineering, join the lab. Welcome Raquel and Patrick! |
August 10, 2014 | Michael Bellavia, a Ph.D. candidate in Biomedical Engineering supported by the NIH Biomaterials training grant, joins the lab. Welcome Mike! |
August 1, 2014 | Jaeho successfully completes his M.S. thesis in Mechanical Engineering. Congrats! |
July 23, 2014 | The Thomas lab is awarded a 2014 Petit Seed Grant in collaboration with the Finn lab! |
July 16, 2014 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited seminar at KU Leuven in Belgium. |
July 10, 2014 | Dr. Thomas presents at the World Congress on Biomechanics. |
July 8, 2014 | Dr. Thomas gives an invited talk in the Lymphatic Symposium at the World Congress on Biomechanics. |
June 19, 2014 | Jaeho defends his thesis. |
June 6, 2014 | Alex W. is granted a President's Undergraduate Research Award! |
June 6, 2014 | Nate presents his work at the Immunoengineering Seminar Series. |
June 2, 2014 | Cassandra Marks, a teacher from Cedar Grove High School, joins the lab as a part of the GIFT program organized through CEISMC! |
May 27, 2014 | Eric Odermatt and Ruwenne Moodley, students from Westminster High School, join the lab! |
May 17, 2014 | The lab does molecular gastronomy! But don't worry - we had fun with food at the lab party, not in the lab. |
May 12, 2014 | Veena, a first year undergraduate student in Biomedical Engineering who worked in the lab as a high school student, re-joins the lab! |
April 23, 2014 | Dr. Thomas presents in the Northwestern University Biotechnology Chemical Engineering course. |
April 18, 2014 | Alex presents at the Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting in Denver. |
April 18, 2014 | Karan presents at the Air Products Research Symposium. |
April 11, 2014 | Dr. Thomas presents an invited seminar at the University of Texas Medical Branch Pharmacology Department. |
March 28, 2014 | Nate and Alex present at the 2014 Regenerative Medicine Conference at Hilton Head. |
March 5, 2014 | Alex is awarded Honorable Mention for the Society for Biomaterials STAR Award. |
February 28, 2014 | Alex, Nate, and Dr. Thomas present at the 1st Annual Georgia ImmunoEngineering Consortium (GIEC) Symposium. |
February 5, 2014 | Dr. Thomas presents Jaeho and Mason's work at the ASME 3rd Congress for Nanoengineering for Medicine and Biology meeting in San Francisco. |
January 6, 2014 | Manuela Sushnitha, a second year undergraduate student in Biomedical Engineering, joins the lab! |
January 3, 2014 | Karan is named as an Air Products ME Undergraduate Researcher. Congrats! |
December 19, 2013 | Dr. Thomas's Biomaterials manuscript is featured in Nature Outlook article on the use of biomaterials in cancer vaccination! |
December 12, 2013 | The lab goes bowling! |
November 12-13, 2013 | Nate presents a poster and Dr. Thomas gives a presentation at the 2013 TERMIS-AM meeting in Atlanta. |
November 12, 2013 | Alex presents at the Nano@Tech Seminar Series. |
October 29, 2013 | Rahul is granted a President's Undergraduate Research Award! |
October 19, 2013 | Dr. Thomas presents at the NanoFANS forum on Immuno-engineering. |
October 12, 2013 | Nate presents at the 16th State of Georgia Lymphedema Education and Awareness Conference. |
September 28, 2013 | Dr. Thomas gives the Rita Schaffer Young Investigator Award lecture at the 2013 Biomedical Engineering Society meeting in Seattle. |
August 19, 2013 | Rahul Rege, a fourth year undergraduate student in Biomedical Engineering, joins the lab! |
August 13, 2013 | Dr. Thomas presents at the IBB Breakfast Seminar Series. |
July 19, 2013 | Dr. Thomas is awarded the Rita Schaffer Young Investigator Award from the Biomedical Engineering Society! Link to articles here,
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July 18, 2013 | The Thomas lab is awarded a NSF award! |
June 27, 2013 | Dr. Thomas presents the lab's work in two platform presentations at the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference in Sunriver, Oregon. |
June 18, 2013 | Alex presents his work at the Immunoengineering Seminar Series. |
April 24, 2013 | Nate is selected as a NIH Biotechnology Cell and Tissue Engineering trainee. Congrats! |
April 18, 2013 | Sara wins Honorable Mention for Best Poster Award at the Air Products ME Undergraduate Research Symposium. |
March 29, 2013 | Nate is awarded Honorable Mention for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. |
March 25, 2013 | Mason is named an Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher in the College of Engineering! Congrats and well done Mason! |
March 15, 2013 | Patrick is awarded the College of Science Roger Wartell and Stephen Brossette Award for Multidisciplinary Studies! This award recognizes a top student in the college who has studied or conducted research at the interface of physics, mathematics and biology. Congrats and well done Patrick! |
February 4, 2013 | Dr. Thomas presents at the ASME 2nd Congress for Nanoengineering for Medicine and Biology. |
January 15, 2013 | Dr. Thomas presents at the Integrated Cancer Research Center Seminar Series. |
January 7, 2013 | Jason Yun, a fourth year undergraduate student in Biomedical Engineering, and Blair Smith, a fourth year undergraduate in Biology, join the lab! |
December 8, 2012 | Lab party! |
November 27, 2012 | Mason and Sara are named Air Products ME Undergraduate Researchers. Congrats! |
October 25, 2012 | Dr. Thomas presents the lab's work on targeting tumor-draining lymph nodes using synthetic nanoparticles for cancer adjuvant therapy at the Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA. |
October 24, 2012 | Dr. Thomas presents a poster at the 4th Symposium on Frontiers in Biomechanics: Mechanics in Oncology in Atlanta, GA. |
October 4, 2012 | Dr. Thomas presents the lab's work on targeting tumor-draining lymph nodes using synthetic nanoparticles for cancer adjuvant therapy at the Society for Biomaterials Fall Symposium in New Orleans, LA. |
October 1, 2012 | Veena, a senior high school student, joins the lab! |
September 17, 2012 | Nathan Rohner, a Bioengineering Ph.D. candidate in Mechanical Engineering, joins the lab. Welcome Nate! |
September 7, 2012 | Lab lunch! |
September 4, 2012 | Alex Schudel, a Bioengineering Ph.D. candidate in Materials Science and Engineering, joins the lab. Welcome Alex! |
August 20, 2012 | Karan Khendry, a fourth year undergraduate student in Mechanical Engineering, and Alex Warner, a second year undergraduate student in Biomedical Engineering, join the lab. Welcome Karan and Alex! |
August 17-19, 2012 | Dr. Thomas attends the Engineering Ambassador National Workshop held at Penn State's University Park campus. |
June 29, 2012 | Lab lunch on a cool, breezy summer day with visiting students from Khalifa University. |
June 18, 2012 | Patrick Strickland, a fourth year undergraduate student in Physics and Pre-health, joins the lab. Welcome Patrick! |
May 14, 2012 | Jaeho Oh, a Bioengineering Ph.D. candidate in Mechanical Engineering, and Jacob McClain, a third year undergraduate student in Biomedical Engineering, join the lab. Welcome Jaeho and Jacob! |
May 3, 2012 | Dr. Thomas presents a seminar in the Emory University Department of Biochemistry. |
April 27, 2012 | The laboratory is awarded funding from the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program for undergraduate research over the summer term. Congrats! |
April 15, 2012 | Sara Tuell, a first year undergraduate student in Mechanical Engineering, joins the lab. Welcome Sara! |
April 1, 2012 | Mason McClatchey, a fourth year undergraduate student in Mechanical Engineering, joins the lab. Welcome Mason! |
February 16, 2012 | Dr. Thomas presents a seminar in the GT School of Biology. |
January 3, 2012 | Dr. Thomas presents work on the role of lymphatic transport in immunity and its implications in cancer immunotherapy at the Society for the Physical Regulation of Biology and Medicine in San Juan, Puerto Rico. |
November 10, 2011 | Dr. Thomas presents at the Georgia Institute of Technology IBB Industry Partner’s Symposium in Atlanta, GA, outlining the lab’s goal of developing therapeutic strategies to treat metastatic cancers |
November 3, 2011 | Dr. Thomas presents work on targeting lymph nodes using nanotechnology for cancer immunotherapy at the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer in Bethesda, MD. |
November 1, 2011 | Hello! The Thomas lab starts at Georgia Tech in the IBB building. |